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Grade 4 Term 3 Geography PowerPoint Presentation
According to the Platinum Series
– People and food
– Ways of farmer
– Seed farming
– Livestock farming
– Location of main sowing and livestock farming areas in South Africa
– Unprocessed and processed food
– From farm to factory to winks to home
Format: Microsoft PowerPoint Slide Show (.ppsx)
Only background music, no speech (voice-over)

Click to enlarge

Grade 4 Term 3 History PowerPoint Presentation
According to the Platinum series
– Transport on land – Animals
– Transport on land – The wheel and the cart
– Transport on land – Wagons and carriages
– Transport on land – The bicycle
– Transport on land – The steam engine and the train
– Transport on land – The motorcar
– Common forms of transport of people and goods on land today
– Transport on water
– Transportation in the air
Format: Microsoft PowerPoint Slide Show (.ppsx)
Only background music, no speech (voice-over)

Click to enlarge

Grade 4 Term 3 Life Skills PowerPoint Presentation
According to the Platinum series
– Cultural and moral lessons
– Religions in South Africa
– Dangers in and around water
Format: Microsoft PowerPoint Slide Show (.ppsx)
Only background music, no speech (voice-over)

Click to enlarge

Grade 4 Term 3 NS & Tech PowerPoint Presentation
According to the Platinum series
– Energy and energy transfer
– Energy of the Sun
– Energy around us
– Input and output of energy
– The movement of energy in a system
– Energy and sound
– Vibrations and sound
– Make sounds
– Noise pollution
Format: Microsoft PowerPoint Slide Show (.ppsx)
Only background music, no speech (voice-over)